This program exemplifies how we can leverage a client’s existing brand identity and evolve a new and more cuttng-edge brand style to bring about a completely fresh attitude and personality to an organization’s communication approach. In this particular instance, we did not create a new brand identity; however, we leveraged the communications strategy work that we had been engaged to develop for the client to exact a bold new creative expression within the framework of a largely lackluster and prescriptive visual branding approach. The result was a fresh, engaging and contemporary attitude that speaks to present and prospective OCOT members, as well as to industry leaders, employers and government audiences, in a relevant and dynamic manner.
The Ontario College of Trades (OCOT) is an industry-driven regulatory body that has a mandate to modernize Ontario’s apprenticeship and skilled trades system. The College allows for all tradespeople and employers voices to be heard, protects the public interest, and is responsible for establishing the scope of practice and setting out policies and procedures for the trades. One of OCOT’s mandates is to put skilled trades on a similar footing with teachers, doctors, and nurses, who have their own professional regulatory colleges.
We began by developing a brand communications strategy. The strategy established that the communications messages, tone and manner must:
Be clean, crisp, and approachable
Be industry-led vs. government-run
Enable the target audience to see themselves in the organization (appropriate imagery and words)
Evidence diversity of audiences (age, gender, ethnicity, sector/skill)
Be relevant for a variety of industry sectors
Display a simple, “plain language” explanation of the role of OCOT and the objects of the legislation
Feature the OCOT logo and colour palette (blue, black, white) prominently
Employ a graphical treatment that conveys authentic, relevant messaging to audiences
Feature entirely bilingual content
We developed and managed the production of a wide array of communications materials from design, copywriting, translation and final production:
Brochure and trade-specific inserts for professional trades
Brochure to tradespeople and members of the public
Apprenticeship brochure
Variety of trade publications advertisements for recruitment and event marketing
Event and display materials
Recruitment letters and packages
Membership cards
Membership certificates and certifications diploma
Variety of poster and banners
Coordination of custom photography and creation of a bank of images for use in future OCOT materials
Program developed with Argyle Brand Counsel+Design and Argyle Public Relationships.